New Collection of Mozaica Galleries
I am truly pleased to present some recent Mozaica Galleries from my newly reconfigured Artist Collection. Now reserved to more elaborate works of at least 100 cells, this dynamised collection suits square and rectangular works and allows me to more freely use drawings of various types and formats. — As a reminder, my Mozaica Galleries are works that I create on commission, using as base material a collection of heteroclite drawings, paintings and other handiworks of a child, whose parents provide me with.
This new Artist Collection differ from my original Heritage Collection by its more supple matrix grid which now allows cells sometimes disparate, spit up, and often of different sizes and shapes. Some of the child’s creations are showcased in odd shaped or mega cells. This more evolved way of composing my works allows me more ways to accentuate some cells of particular interest and to better orient the path of visualization of the work.
The Artist Collection also offers the possibility of adding touches of metallic colors to showcase cells. This new option can highlight details selected by the artist, adds a touch of effervescence and often intriguing highlights to the child’s creations, without risk of compromising the integrity of the image or the creative inspiration of the child.
Finally, the Artist Collection being a regrouping of my more upscale works, I offer museum level framing options (anti-UV and anti-reflection glazing, gilding, etc.)
I would be delighted if you shared your impression with me.