Additional prints of a retrospective Mozaica Gallery are offered at a 50% rebate.
The number of additional prints of a retrospective Mozaica gallery of a child is not limited, and each print is numbered for identification purpose. Two proofs bearing the mark “E.A.” (épreuve d’artiste) and 3 non-trade copies (marked “HC”) may also be produced by the artist.
Prices may be modified without advance notice.
A payment of 50% of the order is required at the time a Mozaica gallery is commissioned, and the balance is payable when the artist notifies the client that she has completed the creation of the work and that it is ready for printing. Subsequent orders for additional prints are payable in full at the time of ordering.
I accept payments with credit cards or debit cards; all these payments are processed directly through the PayPal secure payments service. Bank transfers may also be used.